“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent” -Arnold Schwarzenegger
A young boy from a tiny town in the middle of Austria. The normal pace of life was just to grow old in the town, have children, work and die. But there was a man who completely defied the norm and went on to become one of the most influential people in the planet. Arnold Schwarzenegger had an upbringing that usually destines people for just mediocrity. Arnold began working out at a young age and saw the power that was within him. Arnold saw that he was so powerful with his actions that he could transform his physical body. If he could transform his body through the power of the mind, imagine what other things he could achieve with the power of his mindset.
From a very early age, Arnold knew that mindset was everything. This is what led him to become a 6 time Mr. Olympia champion, a Hollywood superstar, and even the governor of the state of California. Arnold is the classic definition of somebody who has the Monster Mindset. Arnold is able to focus on a goal, take all the proper steps, and confidently exceed expectations without deviating from the plan. Arnold would meditate as a young teenager on becoming a great man like some of the most famous rulers in the world. Even when he was competing as a bodybuilder, he knew he had an edge over all the other bodybuilders and he would try to get inside their head.
Remember the 1977 film Pumping Iron? If you have not seen it you MUST go watch it right now!
If you have already seen it, let me remind you of the scene where Arnold goes to grab breakfast on the morning of the 1975 Mr. Olympia contest with his rival Lou Ferrigno.
He mentions right to Lou’s face: “Can you imagine the feeling I have? Six times Mr. Olympia. I called my mother yesterday already and said, ‘I won,’ and she said, ‘Congratulations, Arnold!’”
Even if this story is true or not, Arnold knew that by getting in his opponents head, he could defeat him mentally before even stepping on stage. Do you remember who ended up winning this show? It was Arnold, as he had the mental edge that the other competitors lacked. So remember, be confident in your abilities and skills and do not neglect your Monster Mindset. “He who thinks he can and he who thinks he can’t, are both usually right.” It all comes down to how strong is your belief in yourself. Arnold has achieved amazing things in his lifetime and so can you!